App Info

Why was My Element created?

1) For Amusement:

Finding out whether you're a water, wind, fire or earth element is amusing, lighthearted, and ephemeral. It's fun to compare your results with that of family and friends. Once you read each element's descriptions, you can also make predictions on other's elements and see if you're right.

Knowing your element can be like knowing your horoscope sign. There is a notable difference between your element and sign though. The distinction is that horoscopes are derived from occurrences in distant stars, while your element is derived from occurrences in something much closer to you... your genes.

2) To Connect Psychology with Science:

We've all noticed the personality differences among people in our lives. Some are social, love going out to parties, and having the spotlight on them, while others are reserved, live for the quiet embrace of a book, and shy away from too much attention. For many years, sages, mystics, and philosophers tried to explain such differences with various theories. Although their theories are out-dated for today's standards, these ideas helped explain what was ungraspable at that time.

3) Use Ancient Terminology in New Ways:

Describing someone as an element is a useful way to describe some aspects of his/her personality. In the song 'Fire on Fire', Sam Smith describes his and his lover's personality. The song perfectly describes a relationship between two fire elements: 'fighting like lions' but having still 'much desire' and passion for each other. In the same way, you can use the four elements to describe the ones around you. Water is calm and accommodating; wind is gentle and sporadic; fire is wild and intense; earth is contemplative and unrelenting. Read more on each element in the app.

Where does My Element get its authority?

The personality research used in My Element is the most scientifically and mathematically sound theory of personality to date. The model is also known as The Five Factor Model of Personality or 'The Big 5' which includes: Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Extroversion, and Neuroticism. Using the acronym OCEAN can help you remember these traits. The graphic below is an overview of each of the five personality traits.

To fully understand personality, one must deduce the fact that our personality evolved, just like all other parts of our bodies. Our hands evolved to finely manipulate tools, our legs evolved to traverse long-distances with bipedal motion, and our extraordinary brains evolved to allow us to thrive in any corner of the world. Our personalities evolved with the same principles--the traits helped us survive and reproduce, which led those traits to be passed on to the next generations.

For example, cooperation and kindness helped a group of hunter-gatherers survive because they took care of each other, while anger and rage helped the same group fight off enemies. If we think of these traits on a scale, cooperation can be 0 and aggression is 100. Most people fall in the 50s in the cooperation vs. aggression spectrum. Being either too aggressive or too passive is harmful. Although most of us are around the 50-range, there are a few of us at the 25 and 75 range, and even fewer at the 10 and 90 range. The term for this is 'normal distribution', and all that word means is that more people fall around the 50 range than any other range.

How does the app come up with my element?

My Element can't prescribe you an element since your element is within you; instead, you reveal your element by responding honestly and openly to each of the 16 statements. The statements measure your Agreeable and Neurotic traits to come up with four distinct elements.

Each trait has its individual benefit. Disagreeable people rarely get taken advantage because they are not afraid to put their foot down. Agreeable people are easy to be around because they go with the flow. Neurotic people take action quickly because their shifting emotions spring them to act. Stable people keep a calm head and are good at dealing with emergencies. These traits evolved because they benefited our ancestors, which led the traits to proliferate. Since these traits arguably evolved simultaneously alongside each other, no one trait should be seen as superior. Consequently, that means no element is superior to another. Although, it is perfectly okay to have a preferred element.

Isn't there a 'best' element?

There are only preferences of which element you may wish to be. All elements have their strengths and snags. A few of each is listed below but refer to the app for a full description.

Personal Strengths:
  • Good at sports or activities because they love being the best and train tirelessly to be the best.
  • Difficult to get taken advantage of because they never settle for less than they deserve.
Social Strengths:
  • Honest about their opinions because they don't mind being blunt.
  • Firmly stands-up for close friends and family because they don't mind confrontation.
  • Friendships end quickly because of their short temper.
  • Too competitive or aggressive because they always want to win.

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Personal Strengths:
  • Have stronger friendships because of their greater stability and agreeability.
  • Barely get triggered into arguments because of conflict-avoidant behavior.
Social Strengths:
  • Predictable and calm because they rarely pop off.
  • Good listeners because they aren't selfish and care for others.
  • Gets taken advantage of more because they are too passive.
  • Often get stuck doing more because they don't like to fight for fairness.

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Personal Strengths:
  • People rarely get a chance to 'get one over them' because earth elements don't let many people past their defenses.
  • Respected for their cool head and unwavering nature because they keep their emotions in check.
Social Strengths:
  • Keep people on-track during tasks because they're stable and don't mind being firm.
  • Good at judging between right and wrong then stating their thoughts because conflict doesn't phase them.
  • Can be too inflexible because they don't like to budge on an issue.
  • Seen as unemotional because they don't express emotions often.

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Personal Strength:
  • Many highs during the day because of their intense emotional state.
Social Strengths:
  • So much fun to be around because of their agreeability and excitability.
  • Easy to figure out their emotional state because they express them often.
  • Good at reading emotions because they feel a wide range of emotions.
  • Many lows during the day because of their intense emotional state.
