
App Info

Why  was  My Element created? 1) For Amusement: Finding out whether you're a water, wind, fire or earth element is amusing, lighthearted, and ephemeral. It's fun to compare your results with that of family and friends. Once you read each element's descriptions, you can also make predictions on other's elements and see if you're right. Knowing your element can be like knowing your horoscope sign. There is a notable difference between your element and sign though. The distinction is that horoscopes are derived from occurrences in distant stars, while your element is derived from occurrences in something much closer to you... your genes. 2) To Connect Psychology with Science: We've all noticed the personality differences among people in our lives. Some are social, love going out to parties, and having the spotlight on them, while others are reserved, live for the quiet embrace of a book, and shy away from too much attention. For many years, sages, mystics...

I'm a Fire Element!

Bold | Competitive | Unapologetic Fire is fierce and at times uncontrollable. My ferocity allows me to be unapologetically blunt with anyone who asks for an honest opinion. I can be as deadly as a raging wildfire, or as comforting as a campfire. Undoubtedly, people prefer a warm consistent fire so I often try controlling my intensity. There are moments where I need to release my inner flame though. When I see an injustice in the world, my fierce flames bring fairness to the world. If my friends are ever in trouble, I feel inclined to burn the naysayers. I will continue to be judicious with my power, so the other elements look to me for comfort and protection. Get the app to reveal your element, and see how you interact with a fire element! Android Elusive: photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

I'm a Wind Element!

Excitable | Empathic | Energetic Wind goes with the flow and is very excitable. Throughout the day, my emotional state sporadically changes, like the sudden shifts of wind. Even though I have these shifts, it is either warming air currents or cooling breezes for others around me. Although wind elements are cheerful, that does not mean we are always carefree. We actually tend to feel anxious quite often, which is okay because it is better to fly with anxiety than stay running from it. Despite my anxiousness and shifts in my weather, people love the positive air that I bring to any room with an open window. My excitability also springs me into action anytime I see someone in need. As a wind element, I keep things positive and circulate the vital air around others. Get the app to reveal your element, and see how you interact with a wind element! Android Exclusive: photo by Neil Rosenstech on Unspla...

I'm an Earth Element!

Firm | Level-headed | Down-to-earth Earth is tough and doesn't back down. My emotional stability rivals that of mountains. Like a snow-covered peek, I keep a cool head in difficult situations. When faced with danger, earth has the potential to devastate its surroundings through destructive earthquakes and ravaging rock slides. The other elements unanimously appreciate my levelheadedness much more than my power though. Consequently, I'll continue to use my cool head to guide the other elements to positive change. Get the app to reveal your element, and see how you interact with an earth element! Android Exclusive: photo by Neil Rosenstech on Unsplash

I'm a Water Element!

Calming | Meditative | Accommodating Water is agile and gracefully moves around all obstacles. Just like water, I clean negative energies with my optimistic disposition. It takes a lot to shift my mood because I'm generally like a calm flowing river. I'm smooth and easy going, which some elements might take advantage of. Every now and then, I have to remind myself that it's okay to give the unappreciative ones my raging rapids. And when someone pushes me to the limit, I wouldn't hesitate to show them the wrath of my waterfall, even though it's not in my nature. I'll keep the good ones floating and wash the rest out to shore. Get the app to reveal your element, and see how you interact with a water element! Android Exclusive: photo by Ian Keefe on Unsplash