App Info
Why was My Element created? 1) For Amusement: Finding out whether you're a water, wind, fire or earth element is amusing, lighthearted, and ephemeral. It's fun to compare your results with that of family and friends. Once you read each element's descriptions, you can also make predictions on other's elements and see if you're right. Knowing your element can be like knowing your horoscope sign. There is a notable difference between your element and sign though. The distinction is that horoscopes are derived from occurrences in distant stars, while your element is derived from occurrences in something much closer to you... your genes. 2) To Connect Psychology with Science: We've all noticed the personality differences among people in our lives. Some are social, love going out to parties, and having the spotlight on them, while others are reserved, live for the quiet embrace of a book, and shy away from too much attention. For many years, sages, mystics...