I'm a Wind Element!

Excitable | Empathic | Energetic

Wind goes with the flow and is very excitable. Throughout the day, my emotional state sporadically changes, like the sudden shifts of wind. Even though I have these shifts, it is either warming air currents or cooling breezes for others around me. Although wind elements are cheerful, that does not mean we are always carefree. We actually tend to feel anxious quite often, which is okay because it is better to fly with anxiety than stay running from it. Despite my anxiousness and shifts in my weather, people love the positive air that I bring to any room with an open window. My excitability also springs me into action anytime I see someone in need. As a wind element, I keep things positive and circulate the vital air around others.

Get the app to reveal your element, and see how you interact with a wind element!

photo by Neil Rosenstech on Unsplash (edited from original photograph)


Unknown said…
Don't know if it's good or bad
Petar Luketina said…
Hey! Thanks for commenting. That thought might be on other's minds too. And to answer whether it's good or bad... It's actually neither, surprisingly! We cannot decide our personality and in turn we cannot decide our element. Although, sometimes we can "curve" our tendencies when it matters or when there's a lot at stake. For example, I'm fire, and don't mind telling someone they're wrong 😂. Even though that's my personality, I control myself by never telling my bosses they're wrong!

Now with wind, you may be thinking "What's so good about a person who experiences a lot of ups-and-downs...?" Conversely, what's good about a person who is robotic in their emotions? Wouldn't someone so stable be a little boring? So it's about preferences!

Haha, sorry for the long-winded answer but yes, personalities are all nuetral, and have their individual strengths and weaknesses; however, people do have their preferences. Thanks again for voicing your thought, and feel free to comment on any other thought too! ✌😁
Unknown said…
Love the above said Petar!
Unknown said…
Sounds just like me
Petar Luketina said…
Aww, that's beautiful to hear. Wind is my favorite, just don't tell the other elements!! 😄
Antigone said…
Yay I'm wind 💨 my birth element I bet my friend is fire
Unknown said…
This is so accurate
gina marie said…
I figured I'd be Fire, like my (very fitting) Sagittarius sun-sign, so when I read my assessment results indicating that My Element is Wind, it DID come as a bit of a surprise to me. But I like surprises and find that the Wind description seems to be a pretty accurate description of my tendencies.
I was also (pleasantly) surprised by the brevity of the assessment. I'm accustomed to any type of personality-typing questionnaire to contain, at minimum, 35 items. It was refreshing to have finished & moved on to the results so quickly. I wasn't sure if (or how) it could be accurate with so few Q's, but for me, at least, it is!
So, a tip of the hat to My Element's creator(s)/developer(s). You've very clearly done your research in crafting this entertaining & informative little app, and your knowledge of the subject matter is evident. From your descriptive explanation of the app's purpose through your choice of the most revealing items to include on the assessment, your passion for this project shines through 😁
I truly appreciate your contribution to the world of Personality Psychology.
Petar Luketina said…
Gina, you're definitely wind! The generous words you use and the fact that gave your time to leave a comment all reflect a communal agreeable nature, which is what wind is like. As expected, the wind blogger page has the most comments for that reason.

As for the brevity of the questions used, it's because My Element assesses 2/5 of the Big Five personality traits: Agreeability and neuroticism. Each trait has 8 questions; 4 from one end of a personality's spectrum and 4 from the other end. By spectrum I mean the range between agreeable - disagreeable and neurotic - stable.

That said, it would still be up in 'air' if a wind element would be introverted or extroverted, since that is an untested trait and doesn't determine the one's element. To tests someones full personality, I would most likely implement 40 questions, which comes from 5 * (4 + 4). The 5 comes from each of the traits, and the 4s from each end of the spectrum. So 8, the number of questions used to test a trait, is arbitrary; I thought 8 is a solid number to accurately determine a result.

I do sincerely appreciate your feedback though! ❤️️
Unknown said…
Loved this! I too was surprised to be a wind, given my water Sun sign (Scorpio) for which I could be the poster child...lol. also heavy fire in my chart which is also easily seen by those who tend to follow the astrological tendencies. But having said all that...you hit the nail on the head with this description! Funny....one of the things I turn to when I need to get centered is wind therapy. Motorcycles!! I've been riding for most of my life. Who would've thought a person could be so completely defined...by multiple elements?! I like it though...us scorps...always like to keep folks guessing...😉 Thanks for this app. Great work!!
Petar Luketina said…
Great to hear you liked it! I love riding motorcycles too 🏍🏍 although that slowed down after I crashed a year ago 😬. And you're right that people can be defined by multiple elements; we are intricate multidimensional beings! For example, I'm water only when I sleep... 😂